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Helle Borg Hansen
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Helle Borg Hansen

As a painter, I have been a professional since 2008 and after that I supplemented the paintings with sculptures in both bronze and stoneware. My paintings are mainly painted in oil on canvas with oil colours, which I have produced myself from pure color pigments and linseed oil.
Stylistically, I find myself in a mixture of non-figurative and figurative, as all paintings start with abstract shapes and colors. Then I ad the motifs according to the motto: How little is needed for it to be there?
The motifs are mainly dancers - female flamenco dancers, wild animals and horses. It is movement, energy and body language that I work with with the dancers and the horses, while with the horses and the wild animals I also focus on the eyes.
In my sculptures it is the same theme as in the painted dancers. In addition, I have some humorous teddy bears in bronze with movement and mood.

And what do I want with my paintings?
The fact that I paint female flamenco dancers is because I am a flamenco dancer myself. I want to maintain the strong feminine energy and strength inherent in flamenco on the canvas and in the sculpture. When I paint or model, I feel the movement and balance in my own body, and it is as if they are already dancing at the very beginning of the process. My works are an empowerment of the feminine energy in a world where most of those who control it wear suits.

What do I want with my animal paintings?
Most of the wild animals in my paintings look directly at you and follow you with their eyes. With this look, I want to give them a voice, where they can become insistent. Where they can insist, that we give them the space they need. None of them can be dispensed with in the balance of nature, and we must soon understand, that they have the same right to their existence as we humans have. We cannot continue to drum up nature and think that we have special status.

My paintings have a lifetime guarantee, as I can vouch for the materials. Within one year of purchase/distribution, you can exchange one painting for another.
See more at hbh-art.dk

Vær den første til at se Helle Borg Hansen's nye kunstværker

Mine værker

Svømmende svane af Helle Borg Hansen
8⨯4 cm (H⨯W)
4.500 DKK
Bailaora af Helle Borg Hansen
21⨯8 cm (H⨯W)
5.700 DKK
Ørn i bronze på gren af Helle Borg Hansen
17⨯32 cm (H⨯W)
4.900 DKK
Female Balance af Helle Borg Hansen
70⨯85 cm (H⨯W)
5.500 DKK
Dans med lyset af Helle Borg Hansen
75⨯100 cm (H⨯W)
7.000 DKK
Flamencodanser 1 af Helle Borg Hansen
18⨯9 cm (H⨯W)
7.900 DKK
Under solen af Helle Borg Hansen
70⨯85 cm (H⨯W)
5.500 DKK
Blue Elephant af Helle Borg Hansen
70⨯85 cm (H⨯W)
5.500 DKK
Rising af Helle Borg Hansen
70⨯85 cm (H⨯W)
5.500 DKK
Åndens frihed af Helle Borg Hansen
80⨯90 cm (H⨯W)
Et stort skridt for kvinden af Helle Borg Hansen
30⨯17 cm (H⨯W)
2.400 DKK
Dansens magi af Helle Borg Hansen
60⨯135 cm (H⨯W)
Reinkarnation af Helle Borg Hansen
100⨯135 cm (H⨯W)
Dialog af Helle Borg Hansen
75⨯95 cm (H⨯W)
6.401 DKK
Overgangen af Helle Borg Hansen
65⨯70 cm (H⨯W)
5.200 DKK
Dans med mig af Helle Borg Hansen
95⨯55 cm (H⨯W)
6.000 DKK
Modsætninger mødes af Helle Borg Hansen
120⨯150 cm (H⨯W)
13.000 DKK
Vuelta af Helle Borg Hansen
40⨯40 cm (H⨯W)
2.500 DKK

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In addition to many private customers, I have, among other things, exhibited and sold to the following exhibition venues and art associations:
Alfa Laval
Arbejdernes Landsbank
ASE Bravida Codan
Cook Medical COOP
Danmark Copy-dan
DAB Frederiksberg
Dansk funktionærforening
Dansk Metal
Diakonissestiftelsens Hospice
Force Technologi
Foss, Hillerød
Haldor Topsøe
Løwener Glostrup
Løwener Glostrup
Novozymes i Bagsværd
Royal Unibrew
Sankt Kjelds Gårds kunstforening
Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Seas NVE
Top Danmark
VP Securities A/S
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Paletten Glostrup
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Ishøj Rådhus
Kulturloftet St Heddinge

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